Monday, February 18, 2008

An Introduction

My topic is Monkeys. I chose Monkeys because not only are they my favorite animal, but they are also fun to teach about. There are over 130 species of monkeys! But, there are two main types of monkeys: "Old World" and "New World" monkeys. New World monkeys are limited to tropical forest environments of southern Mexico, Central, and South America. All of these monkeys are predominantly arboreal and mostly herbivorous. They eat leaves, fruits, nuts, gums, and occasional small prey such as insects. Old World Monkeys occupy a wide variety of environments in South and East Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and even Gibraltar at the southern tip of Spain. Some species inhabit tropical forests, while others live on arid grasslands and even mountainous areas with heavy winter snows.

This topic is importand to teach about when you are talking about animals, forests and the Middle East, since that is where most monkeys [that are wild] live.